About the VCCT

Welcome to the Veterinary Center for Clinical Trials (VCCT). As part of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, we are dedicated to advancing the standard of care in veterinary and human medicine. Our mission is to promote and facilitate high quality clinical research for the benefit veterinary and human medicine. We offer clinical trials aimed at advancing medical care for our veterinary patients in a variety of disciplines including (but not limited to) oncology, neurology/neurosurgery, ophthalmology, and cardiology.
In the initial phase of study development, the VCCT works closely with clinical trial sponsors and researchers to ensure that the quality of the clinical trials that UC Davis participates in are of the highest standard and in the best interest of our patients. Once the trial is running, the VCCT staff oversees and coordinates clinical trials at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH). We work closely with our faculty, residents and staff at the VMTH to ensure that the highest standards of patient care are met while your pet is participating in our clinical trials. VCCT staff keep in close contact with our clients to make sure they are kept updated on their pet’s health. We love and appreciate that our clients come from all over the state and country to be treated at UC Davis and participate in our clinical trials, so we strive to deliver the best possible care for our patients and treat our clients with the utmost respect.
The VCCT also offers multiple resources and learning opportunities for our faculty, residents and staff to expand their knowledge about research and clinical trials at UC Davis and keep them abreast new developments.
In an effort to provide great clinical trials, we have teamed up with several amazing centers at UC Davis, including: